Where Next?<!-- -->| <!-- -->A4407-sp2024

Where Next?

Due: 3/25, with Mapping Portfolio


This is an extra credit assignment. Completing this assignment will add one point to the rubric explained in 'Class Requirements and Grading' on the syllabus.

Complete either tutorial 8, 9, or 10+11 (as a pair) and complete the corresponding assignment:

Tutorial 8: Making Data from Street View

Use the Google Street View Static API to download street view images for 20 - 100 significant locations of your choosing. Also pay attention to the camera bearing/orientation.

Design a layout to present the images on one or more pages (or GIFs)

Submission Materials:

A multi page PDF with:

  • Page 1: the layout you designed, and a link to your google colab notebook.

  • Page 2: A screenshot of the directory on your computer where you have saved your downloaded images

  • A downloaded csv or geojson of your final dataset (on canvas)

Tutorial 9: Making Data in Python:

Now that we have recreated a portion of Tutorial 1 in Python, for the assignment please wrangle your own data to create your own map. You can choose anything you like, but you must have at least one non-spatial dataset, and join it to a spatial one. If you are not sure of what you may choose, you could recreate tutorial 5 in your notebook (just the tutorial, not the challenge).

Submission Materials:

  • A single page PDF with your map as a .png, and a link to your google colab notebook.
  • A downloaded csv or geojson of your final dataset

Tutorial 10+11:

Create your own story map, using one of the tutorials we have already made, or your own dataset.

Submission Materials:

A multi-page PDF with:

  • Page 1: a representative screenshot of your story map, with a title, two sentence summary, and a link to the live map.
  • Page 2: A representative screen recording of your story map (less than 30 seconds, does not have to be the full story).


  • Upload your work on Canvas (refer to specific instructions above)
  • Include it in your finalized Mapping Portfolio

Optional additional exercise

Do all three!